
Each ml contains: Gentamycin Sulfate 100mg


For the treatment of infections of the lower respiratory tract caused by aerobic Gram negative bacteria susceptible to gentamicin including Pseudomo-nas aeruginosa, Rhodococcus equi and Salmonella spp.

Adverse Reactions:

Multiple doses may cause severe nervous disturbances in dogs and camels.

Administration and Dosage:

By intramuscular, subcutaneous or slow intravenous injection.
Cattle, Pigs: 1ml / 20kg b.w – two times or once daily.
Dogs, Cats: 1ml / 10kg b.w – two times or once daily.
Foals: 7mg/kg b.w (3.5ml/50kg) Alternatively use goal directed therapy; an initial loading dose with therapeutic drug.
Adult Horses: 6.6ml /kg b.w (3.3ml/50kg b.w) higher or lower doses may be used based on the results of therapeutical drug monitoring.


Store at 15-30℃ in a cool dry place.
Protect from direct light.
Keep out of reach of children.

Withdrawal Period:

Meat: 7days
Milk: 3 days.


100ml; 50ml.
